Ford dealers double daily website leads

Ford dealers who are powering their digital strategy with our media and website solutions are efficiently driving a 97% increase in website leads per day.1

A perfect storm of advertising waste

As new car supply continues to rise (+45% YoY)2, the competition to reach buyers is driving up advertising costs. Dealers not only have to outbid each other, but also the national (including presidential election) advertisers fighting for consumer attention. 

Meanwhile, third-party audience data is increasingly ineffective at reaching actual car shoppers, and campaigns are becoming disconnected between the multiple marketing and website vendors dealers have to juggle — creating a perfect storm for wasted advertising dollars.

Enabling end-to-end advertising efficiency

Double the website leads
per day

By efficiently getting in front of more in-market shoppers through our shared first-party data, Ford dealers who adopted our media and website solutions were able to significantly increase their daily website traffic and leads. And since they were building their brands with effective video campaigns, they were able to double their organic traffic, too.

Drive more customers end-to-end

To win in this landscape, make sure your digital strategy is maximizing every advertising dollar with first-party data, omni-channel media campaigns, and a best-in-class website. Whether you’re a Ford dealer or not, we have the audience and technology solutions to efficiently scale your customer acquisition. Let’s get started.

1 Source: Google GA4 analytics, In-Market video performance, DI Media Services results March 2024
2 Cars Commerce Industry Insights Report, September 2024
3 DV360 data, analysis of first party remarketing vs prospecting, 9/19/2023 to 12/17/2023

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