Battery insights for used EVs

Charging-up confidence in used EV purchases

Demand for electric vehicles continues to climb (+32.4% YoY)1 as more affordable used EVs enter the marketplace. But while used EVs alleviate affordability concerns, they bring their own perception challenges about the performance and range of their batteries. To address these hesitations head-on, partnered with Recurrent to provide crucial battery insights directly on used EV listings. 

Shoppers will now see an EV Battery Rating badge along with detailed battery information, giving them clear, real-world insights into a vehicle’s expected range. These insights account for factors like driving environment and conditions, helping buyers better understand the practical performance and value of each used EV. 

Not only does this provide consumers with valuable insights into EV ownership, but it’s also a powerful tool for your team. These details help you understand the factors that make your used EVs a compelling purchase, including:

  • Overall range on a full charge today versus when new
  • Seasonal range based on the shopper’s location
  • One-way and round-trip travel range visualizations from the shopper’s location
  • Charging time based on charger type
  • Monthly and yearly cost to charge an EV at home compared to a gas vehicle
  • Remaining battery warranty based on the vehicle’s year and odometer reading

Become the trusted, local EV expert

Knowing the hesitations that many shoppers exploring EVs have, it’s important to establish your expertise on your website, too. In our EV strategy guide, we recommend adding helpful messaging, content, and experiences on your website that give shoppers confidence to buy and then own electric vehicles from your inventory. 

Based on our survey of consumer behavior2, here are some key questions to address for shoppers interested in becoming first-time EV owners.

  • 63% of shoppers want to know about home charger installation cost: Provide details and recommend local installers to guide them through the process.

  • 65% are most interested in the total cost of EV ownership: Share insights on charging costs, maintenance, and tax savings.
  • 47% want to know where they can charge an EV before buying: Educate buyers on charging options, both at home and publicly.

Check out our EV strategy guide for more ways to become the trusted resource in your community for all things electric vehicles.

Put the right EVs in front of the right shoppers

While EV demand is rising, we’re noticing a slower turn rate as shoppers take a deliberate approach to find their perfect vehicle. This has contributed to EVs aging on dealer lots with an average age of 82 days in stock3.


Aside from providing insights and educational content on your listings and website, you can also actively promote your EV to relevant shoppers by using VIN Performance Media. These AI-powered inventory ads target shoppers who viewed similar inventory on, and then dynamically promote your VINs to them across search, social, and display until they buy. By staying in front of the right shoppers throughout their journey, dealers are seeing a seeing a 56% increase in website VDPs4 and a 29% increase in sales influenced by Cars.com5.

Charge your EV strategy

Whether it’s merchandising your EVs on to convert confident shoppers, building your website experience to become the go-to resource in your community, or dynamically advertising your EV inventory to our in-market audience — Cars Commerce is here to help you move your EV inventory, more efficiently. Give us a shout to develop your dealership’s strategy.

1Cars Commerce Industry Insights, August 2024 Internal Data, Feb. 2022-Feb.2023 YOY
3Cars Commerce Industry Insights, August 2024
4Cars Commerce VIN Performance Media Pilot, Q4 2023
5Comparing the avg. increase in VINs that are sold after a lead, phone call, chat, or website deep link for customers that add VIN Performance Media to their marketplace subscription, October 2023 – March 2024